Rising Admin Spending in Schools — Advance Colorado Rundown
Advance Colorado Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown interviews Cole Anderson, Research Analyst at Common Sense Institute, about the rising administrative spending in Colorado public schools. The percent of education dollars for teacher salaries continues to decline, while admin spending is increasing — even at schools that are losing students. Cole explains the facts and […]
Moving Colorado Forward – Advance Colorado Rundown
Advance Colorado President Michael Fields and Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown discuss Advance Colorado’s 2025 legislative agenda on crime, education, economic and mental health issues.
The Year Ahead – Advance Colorado Rundown
Advance Colorado President Michael Fields and Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown discuss what’s ahead in Colorado politics and the Legislature in 2025.Â
A Winning Year – Advance Colorado Rundown
Advance Colorado President Michael Fields and Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown recap a year of successes for the center right on property taxes, public safety, legislative accountability and many more.
BACK THE BLUE – Advance Colorado Rundown
Douglas County Sheriff Darren Weekly joins Advance Colorado’s Sean Duffy to discuss how the specifics of Proposition 130 — Back The Blue — can help support law enforcement, reduce crime and provide a $1 million death benefit for families of first responders killed in the line of duty.
Why School Choice Matters – Advance Colorado Rundown
Dr. Brenda Dickhoner, CEO of Ready Colorado joins Advance Colorado’s Sean Duffy to discuss the importance of preserving Coloradans’ school choice rights in the state constitution — and the current threats to those rights across the state. Â
Michael Allen, district attorney for the 4th Judicial District (El Paso & Teller counties) joins Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown to discuss a wide range of crime problems in Colorado including juvenile crime and the scourge of fentanyl. They also discuss anti-crime ballot measures including one that would prohibit first-degree murder suspects from being […]
Why Colorado Needs Education Reform – Advance Colorado Rundown
Why Colorado Needs Education Reform — Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown is joined by Dr. Debora Scheffel, Dean of the School of Education at Colorado Christian University, a State Board of Education member and Advance Colorado’s Fellow in Education Reform to discuss the state of education in Colorado and why reforms are urgently needed […]
Advance Colorado Rundown – Combatting Colorado’s Crime Wave
Combatting Colorado’s Crime Wave — Advance Colorado President Michael Fields and Executive Vice President Kristi Burton Brown join Sean Duffy to discuss Advance Colorado’s ballot initiatives that will toughen Colorado’s efforts to combat Colorado’s rising crime rate.
Advance Colorado Rundown – The Citizen’s Tax Cut
The Citizens’ Tax Cut — Advance Colorado President Michael Fields and Vice President Sean Duffy discuss the group’s Citizens’ Tax Cut — which will cut and cap property taxes.  They also discuss how liberals are freaking out about how popular the plan is among taxpayers statewide.