

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.

Milton Friedman


About the Advance Colorado Institute

Colorado has always been a place where we welcome bold ideas that put the needs and concerns of families, taxpayers, and entrepreneurs above the needs of an ever-growing government. Advance Colorado Institute is an idea incubator, generating new, common sense solutions to many of our state’s biggest challenges, including limited government, taxation, education, crime and public safety, and mental health.  

We focus our work on the following policy priorities:

Property Taxes

Colorado is in the midst of a property tax crisis – with property taxes rising an average of 30 percent across the state. The Governor and Legislature have failed to solve the problem for homeowners and businesses alike. Instead of leading, they offered several property tax proposals – including the flawed, failed Proposition HH – that fall far short of deep and lasting tax relief. Advance Colorado has proposed the Citizens’ Tax Cut to cut and cap property taxes. This simple plan is rooted in a basic premise: government should not grow faster than taxpayers’ wages.


Colorado has been a national pacesetter in providing educational options to families and leading on school choice. Now, school choice, parental rights, and academic accountability are under continual assault at the State Capitol and within local school districts, thanks to anti-school choice advocates . At Advance Colorado, we stand for an “all of the above” system of robust school choice, giving parents the right to choose from a wide menu of neighborhood, charter, and private schools. We also strongly support Colorado’s open enrollment system and the right of parents to homeschool their children. Our schools need more fiscal transparency, since only 58 percent of your tax dollars make it into school classrooms. Academic accountability is essential, as less than 40% of children in neighborhood schools currently read and do math at grade level. The rights of parents to receive answers about their children’s education must be protected.

Public Safety

In 2024, U.S. News and World Report ranked Colorado the third most dangerous state in the nation – evidence that Coloradans have been suffering under a crime tsunami. The Common Sense Institute reports that crime has risen nearly 30 percent since 2011, with property crime and auto theft rates among the nation’s highest. Liberal policies that are soft on criminals and illegal drug use have contributed to a fentanyl crisis. The cost of this crisis has risen ten-fold since 2017 now consuming 3 percent of our state’s GDP. Today, opioid overdoses are nearly three-quarters of all drug overdose deaths. Violent crime is at a 25-year high, and Colorado has the fourth worst recidivism rate in the nation, while violent criminals are released after serving, on average, just 46% of their sentence. To solve the problem, we have bold, common sense solutions.


Colorado is becoming increasingly unaffordable. Housing, energy, groceries, and childcare costs are all up. Overall, inflation has increased 20.49% in the Denver Metro area over the last four years (March 2020 to March 2024). On top of that, legislators recently raised the gas fee and property taxes. Colorado needs thoughtful leaders to address these critical issues so families and businesses can thrive in our state.

Learn more from the Colorado Strong Business Alliance

TABOR and Taxes

Colorado has been the model for Constitutional taxpayer protections for decades – to the frustration of big spending liberals. Our Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) has protected Coloradans, and our economy, from expensive tax increases while keeping government spending in check. Recognizing the burden of high inflation and energy prices, Advance Colorado has led the charge for modest reductions in the state income tax. We also passionately stand up for TABOR to protect your refunds when government collects too much of your money. That’s why we were the leading educator of Proposition HH in 2023 that would have ended TABOR refunds over time.

Mental Health

Colorado continues to miss the mark on effectively addressing widespread mental health challenges. Strong, common-sense and compassionate public policy to ensure screening and treatment for men and women facing mental health issues are vital. The benefits not only help individuals, but can help enhance public safety and the quality of life in our communities.

Transparency and Accountability

Government serves its citizens best when it takes open and transparent action. When government tries to hide from its own people, it’s a major red flag. Transparency and accountability are not only the right things to do  – it’s required by state law. When elected leaders try to act illegally and in secret, Advance Colorado is there to hold them accountable. By ensuring government at all levels is transparent and accountable, we ensure that leaders are more responsive to the needs and concerns of citizens.

Research & Reports

Advance Colorado Institute is dedicated to research focused on advocating for and promoting policies that enhance economic opportunity and freedom in Colorado. Our mission is to provide in-depth analysis and practical insights on key policy issues to ensure Coloradans are well-informed and empowered to make decisions that benefit their communities. By employing comprehensive research methods and robust data analysis, we evaluate the impact of legislative measures on the state’s economy and individual prosperity. Founded with a commitment to advancing common sense solutions, our work strives to influence meaningful change and foster a thriving Colorado for all.

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Colorado is a special place with special people. For too long, leaders have stood by while liberal special interest groups and politicians have turned Colorado into a testing ground for some of the most liberal policies and plans in the nation.