Model Local Policies

What We  Believe

At a time when Americans’ trust in the federal government is at rock bottom, citizens in Colorado and across the country are increasingly relying on local government to tackle today’s toughest problems, including homelessness, mental health, and crime. With more than two-thirds of Americans expressing faith in the ability of local governments to effectively address difficult challenges, according to a recent Gallup survey, it’s important to examine how Colorado counties and municipalities are winning these battles. At the Advance Colorado Institute, we have taken an in-depth look at best practices and compiled examples of model policies that other local governments can and should enact.

At Advance Colorado, we believe in an education system that puts Colorado parents and students first through a system that emphasizes:

At the heart of Colorado’s school system is school choice, in which our state has been a national trailblazer for decades. – a system that has enjoyed deep, bipartisan support.

What We  Do

We craft cutting edge policies that empower parents, taxpayers, and teachers and push back on the status quo interests that resist reform. 

Our 2024 Policy Agenda includes several important education reform priorities. Read it HERE

This year, we are leading the charge to protect the school choice rights we currently have – rights that are annually under siege from the education establishment groups that want to eliminate your right to choose the best school for your children. We can secure our rights into the future through a school choice amendment to the Colorado Constitution. 

Read our policy brief on this important issue HERE.

What You Can Do

We help citizens become advocates and leaders.

Whether you are a concerned parent, grandparent or taxpayer, Advance Colorado can equip you with the knowledge and tools to be an effective advocate for high quality, accountable schools. Learn more about our ambassador program.

And if you are interested in running to become a member of your local school board, you can apply to participate in the Advance Colorado Academy New Leader program. LINK If you are a current school board member, you can enroll in our “You’ve Won, Now What?” program. Learn more about our “You’ve Won, Now What?” program.

Our Model Local Policy Team

Aaron SaltEducator

Blain RethmeierEducator

Brad MillerEducator

Brent BuchananEducator

Cinamon WatsonEducator

Dan HaleyEducator

Doug BeneventoEducator

Dr. Brenda DickhonerEducator

Dustin ZvonekEducator

Elizabeth PeetzEducator


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Colorado is a special place with special people. For too long, leaders have stood by while liberal special interest groups and politicians have turned Colorado into a testing ground for some of the most liberal policies and plans in the nation.